Source: Hoyert, CDC February, 2025
The United States has the highest maternal mortality of developed countries, but at least our maternal mortality rates came down (modestly) in 2023. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 669 women died of pregnancy related complications within a year of delivery in 2023, compared to 817 in 2022. This means the maternal mortality rate dropped from 22.3 per 100,000 live births to 18.6 per 100,000 live births. Maternal mortality rates for Black women increased slightly; this increase was not statistically significant. The CDC data also showed that mortality rate was substantially higher among mothers over age 40.
Source: Hoyert, CDC February, 2025
Implications for employers:
● U.S. maternal mortality remains stubbornly high, although it has declined a bit.
● Black women are at elevated risk for maternal mortality -and doulas can make a difference.
● Postpartum depression is common, and mental illness is often associated with higher rates of postpartum death. Employers can offer adequate network access and can ask carriers to report on postpartum depression screening and intervention.
● Here is a link to an article on what employers can do from Harvard Business Review (2023)