Illustration by Note the creative ordering of dates.
A brief note on “day of the week”
Astute readers noticed that I sent out what should have been “Friday Shorts” yesterday. I also mistakenly sent out two notes on Wednesday, one on measles, and the second on the end of the FDA shortage designation for GLP-1 drugs. I’m sorry for messing with your days!
So instead of a regular post today, here are some of the issues that I’m following that I hope to write about over the coming weeks.
The prevalence of medical borrowing is high.
Gallup and West Health published data from a recent poll.Diabetes control worsened from 2013-2023
JAMA published data from federal surveys and exams.Low income people have more rapid decline in functional status
Data published in Health Affairs ScholarEsophagectomy results are worse in hospitals purchased by private equity
Data published in JAMA SurgeryBreast and colorectal cancer screening rates have rebounded
This is reported in JAMA. Cervical cancer screening remains below 2019.Out of pocket maternity costs vary widely
A report from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, published in JAMA Health ForumThe Trump Administration is defending the Affordable Care Act’s requirement to offer certain preventive services without cost sharing.
The Supreme Court will hear this case in April. Here is a link to a Milbank Memorial Fund commentary on potential impact of this case.
Hope you have a good weekend when it comes!